December 20, 2009

Busy, Busy, and more Busy!

I love watching my boys play basketball, it brings us to a really busy time of year. Work, Christmas, kids, and grand kids! I love, love, love it all. I have really enjoyed my new job. I really do LOVE my bosses.... crazy huh.. well really not .. since its Jani and Jami ( my sister and brother in law) I get the benefit of getting know their kids and be a part of their family as well. So it's an extra bonus for me! I have been so blessed this year, and look back to see the blessings of the gospel in my life. Jake has received his mission call, Sarah has moved over here, I have seen the Young Women in Burbank grow and Jessica be baptized, I now get to listen to Angels sing each week(Primary Chorister), I have had the blessing of the support of my family in may ways. I could go on forever... but for now, these are a few of the things close to my heart. I love the Gospel and hope every day to be able to live it better. I have such a love for my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The boys

The boys