April 30, 2009

Thank Heaven for Tylenol PM

I have been pretty proud to not be on medication right now for my fybromyalsia. I have been doing so well without any pain meds... or other stuff. I have had a few sleepless nights lately so I thought I would just take a tylenol pm and wow, I had no idea how fast I would get sleepy. I filled the tub and settled in for a nice bath and I was in the middle of a conversation with Richard and all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't talk or keep my eyes open. It might have just relaxed me enough to let the sleepyness take hold, but whatever! I fell asleep and slept until I got a fantastic wake up call from a very sweet man!! (yes my husband!!) I felt really fantastic today. I got a few things done, but even more than that I had a good attitude about life, love and all of the above!! (sleep that is)

Tomorrow will be another adventure, we get to catch 200 birds this time. I will be sure to watch where I stick my face this time!

I think I might get to go to the mountains this weekend!! Woo Hoo... I have been feeling the need to do that. It will be for a service project, but whatever it is for, I am excited.

It also sounds like I just might be taking a trip to Seattle! That would be nice too. I can't wait for school to be out so I can take the boys and go!!

I know... it is now 12:01 and May 1st!! The new X-man movie is out now.. I might be able to talk someone into going to it with me. If not... I will go it alone.....

Love you all...

April 29, 2009

Puppies!!!!! and more puppies!!!

Well most of you know we have puppies, so if anyone knows of someone that is need of a cute black and white one..(or two or three) I would hope to be the first phone call. I have 7 of them. They are getting so fun, right now they are about 3 weeks and starting to walk around, whimper and know that they are away from mom.
Moms are just the greatest!! :-) I know I love mine!

April 28, 2009

Great Morning!

Even though I went to bed late, and got up early, today is going to be a great one! It's a beautiful cool, breezy day. We might even get some rain! Love the rain. It reminds me of the days when I was in high school and I would go out and get on my horse Wildfire bareback and just ride in the dunes. LOVED IT! I think that is why the rain is one of my favorite things. I miss riding horses and the freedom of just going.

I have been thinking about going back to school, and I just don't know what I want to be when I grow up! Any thoughts??? Steph just said something with no stress.. I agree. I think I have gotten more wrinkles in these last few months than I have ever! My hair continues to have no gray.... ( right Shellie?) Ok.. thanks to Shellie.

Dana invited me out this week to go kayaking, that will be a new adventure for me. I am excited to do that. Rhinda needs her computer fixed right away, so she can email her missionary.. and Jani has been trying to get me to help her get her files on her computer in order.. so I think that will outline the rest of my week. I love to help my sisters! I had a fantastic visit with Ranae yesterday, it's amazing how much love sisters can have for each other. I love you all!!!

Garbage day today... woo hoo. Love to see it go away. Wish it was that easy to move all garbage! Speaking of the kind in my head! :-)

Hope everyone has a great day!

April 27, 2009


Thats the word for the week for me. I have to learn patience in all things. I have been reading (listening, I downloaded it to my iphone) chapter six of the Preach My Gospel and it is about Christlike attributes, I need a lot of work, but this week I choose patience. I'll have to see about living one day at a time.

Life is full of struggles, but I have a testimony that if you are trying to do what is right and have a testimony of the Savior you will be taken care of. Not that it's going to be easy... just that it will all be ok in the end.

I love my family, my children and my Savior.

April 25, 2009

Birds for sale??

We have had two weekends in a row that we sold 100 birds. We are excited to find a place for them. This just means Richard has to drive to Ellensburg and deliver them, it makes his car stink bad. He is outside now vacuuming and cleaning it out again. It went pretty smooth today and faster than last weekend, we are getting good.. well other than me getting my glasses knocked off my face.. but all is good.

April 23, 2009

Some of my favorite things.. today anyway!

Cool weather
Lifting weights
Hanging out with my kids
Reading the scriptures
A clean house
Visiting my grandbabies
New pictures on my kids blogs

April 22, 2009

I have a feeling.....

I sat here to think of what I should put on my blog. I have a feeling that it would be better today if I just left it blank. I will post after an appointment, see if I can come up with something that is a little more upbeat and not doom and gloom!

Next part of the day...
Ok, the day was full of fun, learning (ok watching) Shellie make a quilt. I went to the temple to find it was cleaning day, but still felt edified. Had a successful activity at Young Womens, someone told me I was beautiful.. ( I know huh, does it matter that it was my mother?) :-) Still made me feel good.

I have a lot of great people in my life and appreciate all of them, I love the Gospel and that we are all (everyone of us) just striving to do what is right. The biggest part of it is getting back up and dusting off when we fall. Yep.... sometimes it's even mud!

I love my family!!

April 21, 2009


Usually you can count on a new day... but today... it's just the same as yesterday.

April 20, 2009

Birthday Flowers

With these beautiful flowers I have been able to enjoy my birthday for a few days now. The pretty flowers keep reminding me of my sisters and our lunch together. I love and appreciate them.

April 18, 2009

Saturday is a special day-

Today was a great day, I got to spend it with my mother. We went to the races and even though the horses didn't really do great, I enjoyed my time there. I have such a special family, they are fun to be around. Eric was there today and I got a picture of his new baby, I'll have to see if I can download it and put it on here. He is a blonde, blue eyed cute little thing. It has been fun to have Derick hanging out at our house these last few days, I wish they lived closer so I could have Whitney, Morgan and Lisa too! Dinner tonight is clean out the fridge night... so we are having spaghetti, lasagna, potato with ham and roast in it. We will see how it goes over. Ok.. they started to smell it and they are all upstairs now..... so.... here I go!

April 17, 2009

Moving up in the world!!

I am now a (proud) owner of an iphone, I got it for my birthday from my boys and husband, now they are all helping me learn how to use it. They decided that I didn't need an ipod and a camera, the iphone will work for both!
Days are very busy lately, seems that I don't get half of what I need to done during the day. Every day is a new day! Love that the sun comes up in the morning, and really love it when it goes down and I can rest.

April 16, 2009

Another day...

It sure seams like the days go by fast. I'm getting nervous about Fall arriving, it will bring many changes to our family. Sleep escapes me again, I don't know when I'll ever have a whole nights sleep again. Today will be a tough one, I can already feel it. I better get myself another article to read from conference. I have a lot of cleaning to do, I think it might just be better to clean on my birthday so it's not so bad the next day. Jesse did the dishes and I appreciate that very much!! I had a good birthday as birthdays go. :-)

Today will be a busy one, with appointments, lunch dates, and meetings. I get to meet Dana and maybe Ranae for lunch today, it's so awesome to have a close family. Jani is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her new baby, it's always fun to visit with her.

How is it possible to not be discouraged? Any ideas?

April 15, 2009

I love my family.

The dynamics around here are amazing! My kids are a blast. I have had a great birthday, I received a lot of phone calls from my kids, sisters and mother. I have been very blessed. I went to lunch with Richard and Jake and even went to the club to get my workout in. WHOO HOOO I am so sore today, but it still felt good.

April 14, 2009

Brads 17th Birthday

We had a great day! He got a new video camera so now he can make all the movies he wants.


I have been a very blessed mother and wife. My family means the world to me. I have a fantastic husband known by all, named Rich. He has provided and cared for each of us in a very special way. We all love him and appreciate the hard work he puts in for us.

My children are the light of my life.

Sarah (Sarah Barah)
She is the first of the six and has a lot of responsibilities growing up. She has been a selfless, loving and very compassionate friend. She has been my sounding board, my friend, and my rock. She has a huge heart and is very understanding and fun girl. She now is raising her own family with her husband in Seattle (No Jabali, I didn't mean she was raising you too). Alic, Jabali, Xavior, Jo Jo, Quinn, and Marley. She amazes all that know her!!

Stephanie (Steph, Stephie)
The second of my sweet girls has been a joy in my life from day one. She has astonishing talents, she helps to bring me back to what is really important in life, and she inspires me to be a little better every day. She is raising her own family in Alabama at the moment, her husband Jared, Clark, and Gordon. (Yes Jared, I mean you too!)

Rochelle (Shellie, Auntie Shel, Shel Bel)
My sweet third girl (of the third of the third)is a delight! She has always been one to light up the room, with her personality or just her infectious laugh. She has a great capacity to love, animals and all. If there is fun to be had, she has it! She has many talents and shares them freely. She is my hairdresser and my cheerleader in my latest endeavor. If ever I am in need, she is there. (even running out of gas!!) I so look forward to her days off so we can spend a little more time together.

Jacob (Jake, Buster Buddy, Turdbog)

Fourth, yet first of the three boys. He is a breath of fresh air, he is a compassionate, loving, and hilarious boy! He has a smile that is like the sunshine on a cloudy day. He is very thoughtful of others and is genuinely a nice guy! He does the right things for the right reasons and is happy to do it. He loves to hunt and fish, he is putting together his pond again for the summer and is on a quest for a big catfish. We will update you along the way. He is always willing to do his part and most of the time without being asked. He is always making my day brighter with the help he gives.

Bradley (Brad, Pshyco-B, Army Bat)
Fifth, and second of the three boys. He is a go getter!! Is always on the go, can't sit still for long. You can find Brad either running, lifting weights, or texting on his phone. Now that he can again. :-) He can make anyone laugh and his foot rubs are heaven! He is the beginning, the middle, and the end of my day. When he gets a plan, he will usually make it happen no matter what. He is my inspiration and my nudge to get my workout done. He is very supportive of me. We laugh and enjoy everything when he is around. When he laughs you can't help but join him. You can always find laughter in his eyes.

Jesse (Jess, Merf, Jeeeeeersaay)
Sixth, and last of three boys. The baby!! I know, but he will always be my baby. He tells me he is really ok with that, and I'm sure it's because he knows it will make me happy. He is a thoughtful, considerate, and marvelous boy. He always thinks before he talks and makes sure what he is saying is not hurtful to anyone. He is my hug on a sad day, he is my support on a busy day, he is my ray of sunshine everyday. He is great with kids and animals, everyone loves Jess! His kindness reminds me often of the goal I should have to be kind to everyone, all the time. He is very obedient.

April 7, 2009


Wow, there are so many things you can do. I think I need to get a camera first so I have some pictures to Blog!

The boys

The boys